It was such a long weekend... 4 days of closed office, plus 2 days MC and 1/2 day Annual Leave.. huhu.. lama gile aku cuti. Tapi cuti dalam keadaan yang sakit.. sakit tekak, demam berpeluh2 sampai badan melekit2, batuk sampai rase cam nak terkeluar ulu hati ni, selsema and kahak.. urgh... whenever i think about it.. rase cam loya tekak. Pastu gastric sbb takut nak makan, sakit tekak ni buat loya rase nak muntah. Actually rasenye muntah tu sbb gastric kot.. makan sket.. pastu makan lak ubat segenggam.. huhu..
Hari ni ingat kire fresh start la.. but not so fresh lor.. sbb eventhough bangun awal, still cannot manage to be early at work. Traffic yang menyakitkan hati. Sume org pon lambat la.. tapi jgnla rajin sgt memotong queue. Geram betul, mmg drivers kat Malaysia ni takde manners.. huhu.. walaupon I am also one of the drivers tapi the way Malaysian drivers nowadays do pissed me off. Mencilok cam haram.. yang tak bleh blah tu.. pakcik2 and makcik2 yang rasenye melebihi age mak nana tuh yang lebih2.. bawak kete punyela besar.. tapi akai tadak. Kadang2 bile pikir balik, maybe that's why our youngsters skrg pon camtuh kot. Ikut kepala masing2... Layan aje la... Tapi earlier last week, masa nana balik dari office, ade la satu kete proton saga tahun 90an telah melanggar satu BMW 5 series yang baru, tgk no plat cam baru beli dalam sebulan 2 kot. Pakcik tuh cam muka dissappointed la kuar dari kete.. tgk belakang kete dia yang bercalar agak sejengkal gak panjangnye.. budak dalam saga tuh dah pucat lesi tapi takut kot nak kuar kete. Pakcik BMW tu relaks je cakap "tak nevermind la.. it is just a scratch.. pls drive carefully.." kepada budak yang langgar kete dia tu. Terasa cam macho pulak pakcik tuh.. tetiba aje hensem cam Harrison Ford. ehehehe... Ok la gak.. at least sejuk hati kite tgk org yang beralah camtuh..
Sepanjang nana cuti ni, I just stayed at home. Resting as flat as I could. Huhu.. such a relaxing moment. Cuma smlm aje baru amik letter of settlement kat Maybank, Jalan Melaka. Dah inform awal cakap nak datang pon, kene tunggu around 45 mins for the letter. Nasib baik letak kat tempat parking berbayar, kene RM4 sejam. Mahal sungguh la rasenye tapi better la dari kene saman.. huhu..
Semalam gak la Nana baru rase sedikit impact bile one of my fren tiba2 out of nowhere asking me about Mr Man. Damn!! Bertunang.. it was out of question when he was with me... nampak sangat la dia tak berkenan dgn Nana.. hahahah.. *ape nak buat, hati org kite tak tau kn?* Walaupon Nana dah tau lebih awal dari kawan Nana ni, masa tu cam tak rase pape pon. Cuma lepas kawan Nana tanye then baru cam rase tak best. *cam hampeh je kn?* Tapi rasenye tak ble nak salahkan dia gak.. We got nothing in common and there was nothing really special in between us, I was not ready at all at that time and he never think of taking the extra effort to ask me. I would be flattered if he did.. huhuh.. berangan aje la Nana... semua tuh berkubur aje skrg ni. At least, I am glad that he finally moved on in his life. Finally... berakhir jugak la zaman bujang tuh nanti.. Nana doakan agar dia sentiasa bahagia. *ayat2 pasrah... kecewa lagi ke???* I just need to wait for Mr G to ask me to marry him... itu pon tak tau la bile.... Let's start dreaming again... huhuh..
Hmm... rasenye dah terlebih panjang plak arini..nak cite sume mmg tak abis2.. nanti la nana sambung lagi pasal cite lain plak.. ade mcm2 bende jadik sebenarnye sejak melangkah ke tahun baru ni... and all the thing happened will make us a better person. So... let us learnt from the experiences and let the mistakes not to be happened again in the future. Semoga ape yang kita tempuh akan menjadikan diri ini lebih matang dan wiser person.
So... wishing myself and all of us .. all the best in year 2010.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy New Year 2010
I know it is a day late... but... *wth*... huhuh..
Wishing all a very merry happy new year...
Hope that year 2009 passed with glorious moments and may year 2010 will come with good and better fortune and a new path to discover...
i found this new year wish in the net.. nicely quote. It is an old one but i like it..
Wishing all a very merry happy new year...
Hope that year 2009 passed with glorious moments and may year 2010 will come with good and better fortune and a new path to discover...
i found this new year wish in the net.. nicely quote. It is an old one but i like it..

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