Thursday, December 10, 2009


Hmmm.... esok pagi nak balik kg.. adik perempuan nana cakap nak ikut tapi ikut mood. tried calling her byk kali but to no avail. susah nak cakap.. mak dah tanye.

Actually nana pon dalam mood yang kurang baik. sekarang ni asyik jadik pelakon air mata aje.. air mata ni cam paip air plak dah.. asyik nak mengalir aje. hati senang sangat tersentuh. pantang salah sket.. mula la rase cam sedih, tak senang hati.. sometimes marah yang sampai tahap nak buang and baling barang. hmmm...

Rase cam tak nak cakap byk... cuma harap diri nana akan lebih tenang dan bersemangat menghadapi segala dugaan dari Maha Pencipta... Lets do some prayer...

*Ya Allah..
Selamatkan dan tenangkan lah hati hamba Mu yang lemah ini.
Moga dicucuri rahmat dan bahagia Mu kepada diri hambaMu yang kerdil ini.
Ya Allah, Engkau lah Maha Pemurah, Maha Penyayang dan Maha Mengasihani.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Hi all....

Kontroversi kn bunyinye.... Hutang... tak kire la ape jenis pon.. ade setengah tu panggil loan.. ade setengah tu panggil debt.. ade gak org nak bagi sedap bunyi.. dia panggil installment atau term payment. Huhuh... ape2 pon bunyinye.. still it is one kind of hutangkn?

Kenape tiba2 cite pasal hutang ni? Hmm... insiden nye camni, tadi.. this early afternoon, ade la minah dari bank ni call nana, this is regarding of my auto loan la... my dearest kelisa.. called my cell once but that time nana ade call coming in, i was engaged on the other line with customer, so i didnt pick up. After i put down the phone, another call coming in and it comes to my surprise that she called me from my general office line. MasyaAllah, bukan la nak kate ape.. but to dig my personal info sampai camtuh skali.. rasenye kalau buat loan dgn bank skrg, i feel like i am a naked person. They easilly have access to my information from head to toe.

I had realised about all of these things quite sometimes. Tu pon mase bile nana menghadapi masalah untuk membayar hutang2 ni. Bukannye nana taknak bayar mase tuh.. i dah keluarkan most of my savings to pay as much as i could and still not enough to cover all. Dah la dgn takde keje nye mase tu. Thanks to "u know who u are" for making things worst. Tapi i have learnt the lesson very very well.

So, since end of last year, when i already have a good pay job, i made up my mind to pay the debt as much as i could. Alhamdulillah, lagi 3 bulan, 2 of my contract term payments will be finished. Tahun depan lepas abis tu, maybe nak approach the debt collection officer untuk teruskan another 1 more contract term payment yang agak sakit jugak untuk membayarnye bulan2. Banyak tuh.. Huhuu... sakit mmg sakit.. tapi difikirkan selesa dan leganye lepas abis bayar.. tuhan saja yang tahu.

Jadi... azam baru tahun depan ialah me'release'kn diri sendiri daripada belenggu blacklisted bank. Huhu... InsyaAllah, kalau takde aral melintang, awal tahun 2011, all those unhealthy debt will be finished. Huhuuuuhuhu.... azam ni kene tulis besar2 kat dalam bilik supaya tak lupa.. and tak membazir duit dgn bende2 tak berpekdah.. huhuh...

Okla.. rase cam lega sket lepas meluahkan perasaan yang terbuku dihati. Semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati rezeki kepada diri ku dan menjauhi diriku dari mala petaka.. Amin..

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Inginku katakan....

Hi All,

Lama gile tak update blog....

I have to say this loud and clear....

I want to resign a.s.a.p.

I cannot stand anymore...

It has nothing to do with work...

I just really dont have the heart anymore...

Tak boleh tahan dah...

I need a break... and I need it a.s.a.p

p/s: how to write a resign letter?? huhu.. need to consult mother again.. huhuh...


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oh No..... It is November already....?!?!?!?!?

Tup.. Tap.. Ping.. Pong.. Ting.. Tang.. pejam mata.. celik2 dah nak masuk November.. huhu.. dah nak masuk bulan ke-11 dalam tahun 2009. Hmm... ape la cepat sangat ni???

Tapi.. alhamdulillah jugak.. menghampiri tahun 2010 ni.. nana dah berjaya menghampiri azam bagi tahun 2009. Kalau takde aral melintang, Insya Allah, semua yang dirancang, ape yang di'aim' akan menjadik la paling latest by early next year. At least there is some achievement for myself.. huhu.. such a

Now need to figure out ape plak azam bagi tahun depan.. nak cari keje baru? ade utang lain nak kene settle ke? ade barang2 baru nak kene beli? thinking of how to make my money grow, lagi besar lagi bagus.. tapi camne ek.. online business? unit trust? saving and insurance scheme? meniaga pasar malam? hehehe... susah tuh.. nak kene mula pk dari sekarang.. so that it wont be too late to start early next year.

Owh.. talking about online business.. kene start promoting.. sebab cuti sekolah dh nak mula.. so, need to find customers.. now is the time to make more money for my pocket.. sbb bulan 12 my mother nak gi jalan2.. huhu.. duit keluar lagi..

okla.. donno wat to talk summore... huhu... bubbye...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I'm Sorry dear....


I am really sorry for what I've said last night...
That is what I always feel.. and I don't want to cheat my very own feeling and also yours...
I'm not good in saying that I'm sorry... as I am never good in playing with words too..
But I regret saying those to you.. even though all of them were very true...

Please forgive me dear...
I never mean to hurt you, not even a bit... not even a glance..
Hope that everything will come in place again...
Same as before and forever will be..


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Balik Kg... Syawal Eve...

Selamat Hari Raya to all.... Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

Cam biase la, like years before... nana balik kg Perak umah opah di Tapah. Kami sekeluarga balik hari jumaat malam after berbuka.. actually not really after breakfasting. heheh.. lengah2 Nana gi shopping dulu before went back kampung.

Kami balik 2 kereta. Angah drive kete kesayangan dia, dia bawa mak, Ateh and Adik. Acik and nana satu kereta sbb seat belakang dah ade satu passenger lain. Heheh.. Kami bawa balik tv sebijik.. sbb masa bulan pose tuh kami balik kg, tv kat rumah opah dah rosak. Huhuh.. sbb byk sgt tv games adik, we decided to bawak balik kg satu tv game adik. Tapi bile sampai umah opah, dia dah beli tv baru made from China. Harga tv tuh tak sampai rm 300. Damn cheap seh.. huhu.. The sound and image pon ok.. not that bad la. Just hope that it will last long la.. so.. the tv yang kami bawak tuh, kami letak kat ruang atas rumah opah. Nak kene beli antenna plak.. tak dapat channel yang clear except tv2 and tv3.

On the way back, sebelum masuk hiway utara-selatan tuh.. everything was just so damn promising.. cam takde jem je.. but i think, mase tu, i spoke too soon about it.. masuk2 aje hiway kat sg. buloh.. terus heavy traffic. Byk gile kete.. sampai tak bergerak. It was 15 mins after 12 midnite.. huhu.. kenape la byk sangat kete.. bukan ade accident pon. I was one of the road user yang using emergency lane sesuka hati. Huhuh.. I tak tau camne my brother ble gigih sgt ikut lane kanan yang tak bergerak langsung tuh. Nana berenti rehat kat kawasan rehat ladang bikam for a while, sempat la nak cuci muka, cari some food to munch.. sementara waiting for Angah to reach there. Both of us dah mengantuk, tapi acik manage to curi2 tido for a while when I was driving. Then, from ladang bikam to rumah Opah, I forced her to drive. Hehehe... I dah mengantuk sgt.. tapi still kene berjaga sbb my sister never drive by her own balik rumah opah. Huhuh...

Acik drive cam siput, seriously very slow. Angah sampai hilang sabar mengikut acik dari belakang. So.. he over-took our car and headed straight to simpang Banir. He waited us there.. hehehe.. but acik mmg bawak kete pelahan gile, kalah siput babi kat pokok pandan malam tu. ahahah... Sampai je kat umah opah at nearly 5am, nana angkat sume luggage dalam kete and straight headed into the house. Masuk je umah, salam2 sume org dalam umah then terus baring kat sofa. New sofa... opah baru beli 1 bulan. Huhuh.. so soft and big, i terus fall asleep. I cant remember bile i tido betul2 atas tilam yang my sister sediakan. Only the next morning my sister cerite camne i bergolek2 dari sofa to tilam. Huhuh.. really embarassing man... nasib baik takde org lain yang tgk.. kalau tak buat malu company aje..

The next day, ramai la adik2 mak balik kg. My mother woke me up at 9 am, sbb mak nak keluar gi kedai elektrik beli dapur masak utk opah and some other furniture kat furniture shop nearby. So, i bangun mandi and siap2. Acik time tu sibuk nak ikut jugak. *I tak bangun pon sahur.. nasib baik i dah makan macam2 dalam kereta smlm. Huhuh.. but i was not fasting pon that day. Dah raya awal.. teropong anak bulan sendiri.. ahahah...* Nampak gak Pak Lang tgh sibuk bersihkan ayam yang opah pesan beli kat pasar.. cam byk je.. selalu opah beli daging.. tapi tahun ni opah wat rendang ayam. Hmm...

Dalam kol 10 am. we headed to kedai Lee at jalan besar, Air Kuning. My opah is this shop regular customer. Opah tak datang pon, cuma mak, nana and acik aje yang gi kedai tu. Towkey Lee tu mmg kenal sgt dgn Opah and arwah Atuk. So, senang sket la nak soh anta barang2 kat umah.. tak payah la nak explain byk2. Mak beli freestanding cooker utk opah, main reason sbb kalau beli table top cooker, kene beli cabinet baru and tak tau nak letak kat mane. So, beli freestanding cooker, boleh buang terus table top cooker yang ada and letak new cabinet and freestanding cooker sebelah2. Cabinet lama tetap kene buang sbb dah kene makan anai2.

Towkey Lee kate dia akan anta the items to rumah opah at 2 pm. So, kami balik umah terus. Mak cakap nak tlg opah masak2 kat umah. Tapi bile sampai, nana sambung tido. Haha.. mase tu, Adik dah bangun, dia tolong Wani and Farah*our dearly cousin, anak Mak Yang* anyam ketupat. Terasa malu plak sbb nana yang perempuan ni pon fail anyam ketupat. Tak ingat dah.. lama rasenye tak anyam ketupat.. teori hebat la lagi.. but nak anyam.. mesti amik masa lama.. huhu..

Kol 4 ptg.. acik kejut ajak gi Tesco kat Kampar. Dia nak beli kasut raya.. kecian kat minah tu.. sbb dia kene operate appendix awal bulan pose arituh.. so, dia tak sempat sgt nak beli persiapan raya. Beli baju kurung pon last minit.. tapi baju dia cantik seh.. huhu.. jeles akak. Kasut yang dia beli kat Fiona tuh pon cantik.. warna putih.. mmg trend muda mudi la.. tapi nana cam elergik sket warna2 putih ni.. cepat kotor.. cemerkap org panggil..

hmmm... dah panjang sgt ni.. nanti nana cite plak kes2 di hari raya and lepas raya... Off then.:P

Friday, September 18, 2009

Salam Aidilfitri 1430H

Selamat Hari Raya.... Maaf Zahir Batin to all my immediate family members, extended family members, close friends and not-so-close friends and also to all the muslim all over the world.
Hope all of us will have a great and wonderful sharing festive moments.

Take care and drive carefully when balik kampung... make sure cars are in good conditions before starting the journey. Jangan makan berlebihan.. nanti sakit perut pulak... :P

Lastly.... enjoy your holidays....

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Hari ni dah 13 hari umat Islam berpuasa... setakat ni, alhamdulillah... semuanya berjalan dgn lancar. Tempahan kuih raya pon agak memberangsangkan. Harap2 nana dapat siapkan semua tempahan sebelum minggu akhir puasa. Bahan2 untuk buat kuih semua dah dibeli minggu lepas, cuma keadaan kesihatan nana kurang baik, and asyik rase nak rehat aje bile balik rumah ptg. Lepas berbuka, nana mesti dah landing terus atas katil. Hmmm.... susah macamni.. silap2 haribulan tak siap kuih2 tuh nanti... kes berat jadiknye.

Last week adik perempuan nana kene operate appendix. Kesian kat dia, kene dok wad sampai 3 hari. Disebabkan dia, tertangguh niat nak balik kg settlekan hal2 kat umah opah. Syukur jugak, at least dia selamat kn? Skrg ni dok kat umah aje.. jalan cam datuk kame dalam cite dragon ball. hahahaha... *Sorry la sis, bukan yong sorang aje ek... sume pon cakap acik cenggitu.*

Esok mlm nak kene balik kg plak. Mak nak beli barang2 utk opah. Nak ganti barang2 lama yang dah uzur kat umah opah tu. Opah pon dah setuju... mane agaknye nak cari barang2 tuh kat kg. Kene gi Ipoh kot.. huhu.. jauhnye.. dahla pose2 ni.. cam tak tolok nak berjalan ke hulu hilir mencari barang. Nasib baik baju melayu adik2 nana dah beli.. at least kurang la sket permintaan nak ke Jalan TAR utk cari baju melayu plak. Cuma ke shopping complex je la.. nak mencari casual wear masing2.

Hmmmm... okla.. update sket je la arini. Tak tau nak cakap ape.. puase2 ni pemikiran cam short sket. Tak leh overload. Mula la macam2 nanti.. puasa ni byk menguji kesabaran nana... huhu... Syukur alhamdulillah... setakat ni.. kesihatan masih baik.. harap kesabaran tuh takdela nipis sgt... risau sungguh.. huhuh....:P~

Off Now..... Selamat Berbuka....:)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Salam Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera....

Rasenye tak terlambat lagi nana mengucapkan selamat berpuasa to all...

Semoga keberkatan Ramadhan kali ini dapat dikecapi bersama dgn penuh keikhlasan dan keredhaan.

Doa nana, semoga kita semua dirahmati oleh Allah dalam bulan yang penuh keberkatan ini.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Undangan Ke Majlis Perkahwinan

Kenduri kawin lagi... kadang2 bile gi kenduri kawin kawan, dapat lak kad undangan lagi satu.. huhu.. nak plak kawan2 baik.. mesti kene pegi. Kang tak datang kecik ati.. Bile tak kene jemput pon kecik ati gak.. ahahah... hati manusia.. mmg susah nak paham. Arini planning dgn Mr G nak gi beli bowl for the wedding esok. Heheh.. already my trademark.. akan bagi bowl. Nanti nana nak buka kedai makan jual sup and coffee. *Sesuai ke makan sup dgn kopi?* Main reason sbb suka sgt kumpul bowl and coffee mugs.

My bestfriend which I shall named here as K is already nikah, he's kenduri will be tomorrow.. as nana sendiri pon tak tau mane letaknye dewan komuniti sentul tu.. heheh.. but he said it is situated behind the kuil. Hmmm.. much more complicated.. sbb nana tak ingat lak ade kuil kat area tuh.

Anyway.. that is never been the main problem. Smlm masa nana dok anta2 kad yang diamanahkan oleh kawan baik nana supaya menjemput rakan2 yang lain, ada la diantara rakan2 yang bertanya, tak sedih ke bile my beloved bestfriend tu dah kawin? Nana tak jawab pon soalan2 diorg tu. Instead of answering the question, I rather replied it with a grin. Which I always do.. soalan yang diorg bagi tuh cepumas betul.. camne nak jawab. There is no answer to all of these questionss.... hmmm... Arghhhh!! Just happen that we are very good buddy, tak semestinya both of us will ended up marrying to each other kn? But people perception, who can change them.. unless themselves. Betul tak?

Hmm.. I knew K when I was in standard one. We were not in the same class, tapi sama block. Semua kelas darjah 1 kat blok yang sama. Mase tu.. my bestfriend ni, jenis manusia yang pelik la dalam sekolah. Budak2 sekolah lain sume main galah panjang, aiskrim soda, main getah etc.. tapi dia suka dok kat tepi kelas, takut org lain pijak kasut dia.. nanti kotor. Baju sekolah dia.. ari jumaat pon bersih cam ari isnin. Dia akan marah2 bile kasut atau baju dia kotor. Memang mamat ni jenis pembersih tahap gaban.

Masa sekolah rendah dulu, padang kami besar gile.*Maybe sbb masa tuh kecik lg, so rase la padang tu besar sgt* Sekolah tu ada volleyball court selalu wat tournament inter school, inter-zone, inter-state... donno what inter lagi la.. Then, kat volleyball courts tu la kami main galah panjang. Mase dulu badan takdela cam watermelon, hehe.. so, main kejar2 tu mmg mampu aje nak berlari dari satu bucu sekolah ke satu bucu sekolah yang lain. Tapi, bile tgk ade budak lelaki tak lasak, and suka duduk at one corner.. perasaan nak mengusik tuh mula la datang. I got my own bunch of friends la.. sama2 nakal macam nana. Pantang tgk budak pelik sket.. mula la nak mengusik. So, kami selalu la menjadikan K target utk seronok kami. *Bunyi cam kaki buli.. but we never bully ppl one... *

After a while, kami sume yang suka mengusik dia ni pon dah boleh terima yang perangai dia camtuh. Kadang2 dia join kami main sama2 but he seldom did la. It was once in a blue moon. Bile pk2 balik.. rase cam kelakar, perangai dia yang over pembersih tuh yang buat kami tertarik nak berkawan dgn dia but in different way la. All of us became close friends then. Tapi bile abis darjah 6, we got split up. Masing2 daftar sekolah lain2.

As for me and K, both of us when for boarding school which placed in different state. Kami ni takdela nak contact2 tulis2 surat and tak pernah pon nak call each other eventho nana ade je rumah mak dia punye telephone number. Cuti2 nana ade juga la contact kawan2 nana yang lain but not him. Until one day, mase tu I form 1, cuti sekolah, I was walking to the shop nearby, I bumped into him and his cousin. Mase tuh, I never thot I will meet him, and cam tersipu jugak la at that time. *Cam hampeh kn?* But eventually, nothing happened. It just ended like that.

After a few weeks, when the school open, I got a letter from him.*Zaman nana sekolah2 dulu mane ade org pakai mobile phone. Semua jenis tulis snail mail aje. Email pon tak wujud lagi.* I got blur2.. cam kelakar. Before this, mane ade org pernah bagi surat kat nana. And the hand writting was hidious. Haha.. panjang2 and kotak2 and some more pendek2. I got sehelai surat bersaiz A4 paper yang ditulis selang sebaris dgn purata 7-8 patah perkataan setiap baris sebanyak 14 baris. Since that time, nana selalu received surat dari K. Baru la kami jadik kawan baik. I still kept most of his letters until now. Tapi nana tak ingat la mane nana letak. Should be at home inside the cabinet.

Camtu la citenye camne nana boleh rapat dgn dia. K is a nice guy, a very good friend and a loving brother and son. *Cam bagi last speech kat org mati plak.. haha* Hope can meet lots of old friends tomorrow.. hehe.. cam dah excited plak.. hadiah tak beli lagi ni. Huhuh..

Opsss... dah nearly 5.30pm. Kene balik awal sket, my bf is already on his way to pick me up at the office. Will continue the story how I get so damn close with K in the next post. Off then. Care2...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday....

Dear Mr G.....

I hope it is not too late for me to wish u a very wonderful birthday.

I am sorry for the late wish as I was so busy wondering and running around for some foolish events.

I did not forget your birthday and I wish I will never forget this special day.

You will always be in my heart... as you will always be...:)

I hope you have a blissful and magnificient life forever. *I think this might be too much.. but just let it be la.. I really wish for it to happen. heheh*

I will always love you sayang...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Musim Banyak Penyakit

Semalam nana mc again. This month aje nana dah mc 2 hari. Last month pon mc jugak. I always fall sick now. Hmm... I never enjoy myself falling sick tapi kalau dah sakit nak buat camne, betul tak? Bukan nana boleh control bile nak sakit bile tidak. I have tried my very best to prevent, cuba tido awal, kurangkan aktiviti luar, try not to make myself very tired and eat healthy food... and the best part, I even mentally program my brain not to think too much that can make me sick.

Eventually, ade jugak org yang ingat nana suka2 nak mc. If nana suka2 nak mc, I better go for another job interview. Find myself a better working place. huhu... Bukan la nak kate tak suka office sekarang... Keje kat office skrg ni takde la byk sgt.. but system yang kitorang guna kat office ni selalu hang, then takde head set, computer lembab - nak run 2 software dalam satu masa pon macam siput babi. Dah la mata mmg confirm rabun, silap2 haribulan boleh teleng permanent kepala nana ni... tengkuk dah jadik L-shape. Haha... such a funny thing kn? but that's what I gone thru everyday. Hmm.. dgn sistem lembab and takde head set.. and I have to register calls straight to the system... What do they expect???? WTF!!!*Oppsss... pls mind my language..:(*

Sekarang ni badan pon sakit2 dah especially bahagian tengkuk and belakang. Posture badan pon dah out. *Nasib baik tak jadik the hunch back of Elx... Hahahahaha.... Kalau jadik rasenye ble claim permenant disability ke? Can somebody check with ING or SOCSO? ekeke...* Hmm... keje camni buat org sakit. I have been working in so many places.. but this place is a mess. Asyik tukar manager.. masuk satu.. keluar satu.. tak pernah nak stay permanently. After nearly 9 months in this company, I think there must be something wrong somewhere.. tak tau le ape salahnye. I think they are no satisfy with something lor. Skrg ni, I nak tgk whether this new manager is going to stay that long or will leave also soon... Just need to wait and see.. heheh...

So... I rase I nak gi makan la. Lapar. Dah la tak makan sgt.. bekal pon tak bawa. And my cash is running out already. This hazy condition force me to drive to work just to prevent the bad air. Hmm.... what to do.. health is very important ma...:P

okla... no idea oredi... off...:P

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Beginning of Biskut Raya Craze 2009

Skrg ni dah masuk bulan Rejab dalam kalendar Islam, meaning to say, lagi sebulan lebih, sume umat Islam dalam satu bumi ni akan mula berpuasa. Cakap pasal puase, Nana still tak ganti lagi 2 hari puasa tahun lepas. Hmmm... malas sebenarnye, dok pk malas nak pose sbb nanti jadi malas keje. Ekceli hari2 pon malas nak keje. *Ok.. enuff nagging.. let's get back to the point*

Since last weekend, Nana dah start sibuk dgn sample biskut raya and kudap2. Pening dah ari2 dok mengadap biskut aje.. 1 hari dok menyimpul popiah, 1 hari dok menguli doh utk tart, hari lain masak jem la.. masak serunding bilis la.. macam2 hal. Tapi kalau nak cari duit lebih, tak buleh la nak merungut panjang. It is what I should do to earn extra kn?

Lucky that I have family members and friends who want to earn extra too.. so they market the cookies and earn some commissions. Bab masak memasak, bancuh membancuh ni sume serah pada patik le.. huhu... And above all, I ade my mother yang sentiasa jadik tukang komen paling hebat. Without her, rasenye susah nak control diri sendiri. She always give me support when I need it the most. She is always my best mom. *Thanks mak, nanti nak dekat raya I banje shopping*

This year I decided to bake 4 jenis cookies sahaja. Almond london, tart nenas, cornflake madu and badam cereal. I amik juga order untuk popiah simpul or popiah pintal. Name aje lain tapi rasa dan rupa sama aje. Last year my order utk tart bunga and almond london boleh tahan juga so this year I decided to start early. Kalau lewat jadik cam tahun lepas.. heavy traffic.. tak tido malam. Balik keje je start masak, nasib baik doh dah siap awal2 and almond london tuh tak susah sgt, cuma leceh sket la.

Kan seronok kalau bulan puasa I boleh cuti sebulan just to concerntrate on the business.. but I can just dream about it.. heheh.. bulan2 lain camne nak makan? kete camne nak bayar? huhu.. I wish I can settle most of the loans by this year, at least next year can plan something else. Kalau murah rezeki, maybe ble plan tambah asset lain.

Hmm... okla.. I want to take a rest.. tadi I tak ambil lunch pon. Rase cam nak cari bende makan la plak.. what to eat ek... Off now.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday

Wishing myself a very wonderful belated birthday.

Hope this year will bring more happy days and thots

And may all the wishes come true.

I am 28 years old.

Dah tua rupanye nana...


The 3+0 is coming soon.

Hope I will grow maturely in the future.


*kinda kelakar wish diri sendiri kn? anyway, thanks to all family and friends who always remembering my birthday, thanks for the warm regards and wishes, and above of all, thank you for all of your never ending support. I will always love all of you and may God bless all of us together.*

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Thots... Team Bonding 2009

Last weekend on the 13th and 14th June 2009, the company that I am working had organised a very nice team bounding activity which is CAMPING. It was so called camping la... eventho our tent got fan and air-cond.. such a canggih tent, I never see any tent similar to it before. It was 2 days and a night, full with activities and most of them were kinda challenging for me... Huuhuu... Badan selalu gi jogging aje kat Tasik Metro.. tiba2 kene gi jungle tracking, main paintball and wall climbing... huhu.. penatnye badan... Tuhan aje la yang tahu. Masa hari Ahad tuh.. takde pon rase sakit sangat.. Isnin ok lagi.. Tuesday.. nak bangun pagi pon tak boleh. Nak gerak badan pon tak larat. Bernafas pon susah.. So, yesterday MC aje. Nana pergi jumpa doktor semalam, dapat la ubat tahan sakit utk otot and sendi. Haha.. Biase le...

The place is in Ampang or more to say as Hulu Langat. Kalau lalu jalan lama to Kajang, yang ikut Hulu Langat tuh.. mmg tak miss tempat ni. The place calles as Look Out Point, originally, if I'm not mistaken, tempat ni org datang nak tgk burung. Tapi skrg ni, most of the visitors come there to have their dinner. Very cozy place... nice diner and of course, nice food. Kalau tak, org pon takmo menyusahkan diri sendiri nak datang sane malam2, dahla susah nak dapat parking. Dekat atas tempat tuh, parking limited. I cuba naik bukit tuh sekali je dgn my colleagues, mengah sey... I dont think I want to walk to the top again.

But it was very2 nice memories.. to mingle around with colleagues from different departments, the branches and Singapore office. At least now I can remember the faces and their names. You know la.. chinese names.. hard to remember.. sometimes I need to repeat the names a few times so that I will not forget again. I am very poor in memorising names... no matter what...:P

Hmmm.... what else to say? Nowadays, I selalu lack of words.. donno what to say, I dont even know what I am thinking. It is very depressing, I think I am growing old. Huhuh... *tapi bukan old ppl always nag ke? why did I turning opposite way?* Boleh tertekan camni...

What ever la... below ade gambar sket. till next time.
View from the entrance
Until now, I am not really sure whether it was the morning breeze or the haze that make this picture blur. But it was a very cold morning.. sejuk banget..

our canggih tent.

Green scenery. Sound of serenity.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Pot Luck

Hari ini kat office ade pot luck.. atau direct translationnye dikenali sebagai "Periuk Bertuah".. ahahah... such a funny translation kn? As usual, semua aktiviti masak memasak took place in the office showroom and pantry. Add into the menu is steamboat... bertambah la bau2 yang pelik2 kat showroom ni.

Hmm... skrg ni Nana dah terlebih kenyang. Beehoon goreng yang ade tadi pon tak makan lagi. Ingat kejap lagi dalam kol 3 lebih boleh la makan lagi kot. Bile dah kenyang camni mula la mengantuk. Tak larat dah nak buka mata. Agaknye tu sbb it was called as pot luck.. sbb bile dah makan kenyang.. kire bertuah kot. Sbb dapat makan sampai kenyang. Rezeki... :)

Hari ni macam malas je nak keje. Esok pagi nak kene pergi team building plak for 2 days. Banyaknye aktiviti. Nak rehat berguling2 kat umah pon susah. Takleh nak lepak main games sampai lewat malam. Balik umah lepas keje pon dah malam. By the time dinner, sembang2 sket dgn family members, jumpa bf kejap... sekelip mata aje dah kol 10-11 mlm. Beranganla nak dapat tido awal sket... kene la skip dinner and mingling around with family members which I cannot miss at all. Unless la kalau diorg sume dah tido... then no choice la.. balik umah just mandi.. minum air and then sleep. Huhuhu...

Tak sabar nak tunggu abis keje, nak balik awal la hari ni.. nak packing. tgk ape yang tak cukup.. lagipon tak pack ape2 pon utk esok. Ntah cukup, ntah tidak track bottom and t-shirt nak beraktiviti camni.. byk t-shirt pon cukup2 badan yang nana bawa gi jalan2 aje. Sport attire takde la byk mane.. rasenye cam kene pinjam adik punye kot. :P

Okayla... tak tau dah nak tulis ape.. Insya Allah minggu depan lepas nana balik dari team building kat Look-Out Point tu nana tulis lagi. Adios...:D

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Office yang beku....

Ha... nak tau kenape nana cakap camtuh... sbb dalam office ni.. air-cond dia kuat gile.. sejuk dan boleh membeku... then... org yang keje kat dalam office ni pulak mempunyai perwatakan yang sejuk beku... otak beku, perangai beku, hati pon beku.. orang putih cakap cold-hearted ppl.

Kenape nana cakap camni? Sbb.. most of the ppl in this office tak pandai nak jaga hati org lain. Takde courtesy, adab and tatasusila dah kureng... Hari ni, one of our colleague marinate chicken tandoori and grill them using the oven in the office pantry. Semua org cam ok je nak makan ayam tu.. including me la.. huhu.. so nice and tender.. tapi ade jugak org yang taknak makan.. Cakap macam2.. giving her lame excuses sedangkan kawan nana ni beriya2 la hidang kat diorg tuh. Pelik kn? Nana sendiri pon tak paham sebenarnye.. cant they just at least give it a bit, jaga hati kawan... ari2 pon tgk muka yang sama gak.. wat keje pon sama2 jugak kn? Hmmm.... but thinking of the tandoori chicken make my mouth watery again.. huhu

And... ade lagi satu hal yang buatkan nana rase agak terkilan and terasa cam beku je office ni. The office is going to have a dinner if I am not mistaken tomorrow night and I was not invited. Actually, not only me la.. ade a few more muslim colleagues sebab diorg nak dinner kat NON-HALAL restaurant. Hmmm... tak patut betul.. Sejak I keje kat sini, ade jugak la yang jenis tak sensitif pasal hal2 macam ni. Maybe the organizer is not particular enough about it.. atau saje je buat tak tau.. sbb nak makan ikut tekak masing2.

Alahai... rasenye arini walaupon cuaca sejuk... office punye air-cond pon sejuk beku.. tapi ati ade sket panas.. ade la cam kene grill skali dgn tandoori chicken tadi. Hmm... asyik nak mengeluh aje.. And tomorrow lunch time plak ade pot luck. Hmm... another thing yang buat nana panas ati. Just wait what will happenned tomorrow.... dont you think?

Okayla.. dah nearly 5.30 pm. Nana nak wrap everything up and go back. Off then... babai...:D

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Warehouse Sale...

After so long... lama dah rasenye tak update blog ni... since when I tiba2 stop my full time job as blogger ni I sendiri pon tak tahu.. ehehe...

Last weekend, the company that I am working now having their mid-year warehouse sale which took place at Shah Alam. I never involve in the warehouse sale sebab I'm still consider as new staff in the company. Rase cam berdebar2 juga takut kan nanti customer tanye soalan pelik2 about the appliances.. but I think I did manage well that day.. *Haha.. this is what I called as masuk bakul angkat sendiri, betul tak?*

They put me in-charge for the vacuum cleaner section... menggelabah.. sbb I dont know much about vacuum. Mane la penah vacuum rumah.. kete pon soh kedai je yang vacuum.. sekali soh jual vacuum cleaner.. mula la menggagau.. cuak seh... Tapi abis jugak all the vacuum cleaner kat section kami tuh. We managed to finish our stock before lunch.

I tengok section yang sold out all the items are washing machine, oven and cooker and ours la.. vacuum cleaner. Then, fridge and cooker hood pon boleh tahan juga. Dryer sampai petang baru jual 2/3 of the stock, so do the glass hobs.

Mostly yang boleh jual adalah B-Stock appliances. A-Stock agak slow juga.. but masih boleh jual. Maybe sbb diskaun utk A-Stock sikit sangat kot. I myself takde beli pape untuk diri sendiri sbb tak tau nak beli apa. Lagipon kat rumah tuh dah penuh.. lagi nak tambah extra appliance.. mane nak letak pon tak tau.. buat kene marah dgn mak aje nanti.

Hmm... okla.. rase cam dah panjang. Lepas warehouse sale.. this coming weekend ade team building plak.. huhu.. just wait and see la.. penat badan ni pon tak sudah lagi.. dah ade plak plan yang lain.. but I'm looking forward for it also.. huhu.. yang penting kita enjoy.. betul kn?

Till then... off we go...:P

Friday, May 8, 2009

Stupid me...

Hmmm..... mengeluh? Maybe... :P

Kenapa mengeluh?
Sbb teringat kat lelaki berkaca mata, berkulit sawo matang and he really have a very sweet smiling face.

Hmm... mengeluh lagi?
Ape dah jadi ni...??

Lelaki tuh takde hati kat kite.. tapi kite selalu dok teringat kat dia.. Hmm.. maybe only once a while.. but seeing someone who look like him really make my heart feels like popping out.

Kenape jadi camtuh?
Takkan masih teringat pada yang tak sudi??

No I am not... huhu... but sometimes there are things that I cant really totally forget about. Especially in this special relationship.. I had a special feelings towards him before.. I have tried to bury it very deep down or try to burn them down into ashes.

Hmm... mengeluh jugak lagi...
Adoi Nana sayang...
Lupakan saja lah perasaan tuh, there shouldnt be any turning back, isnt it Nana??

Afterall.... I shouldnt have these kind of feelings anymore towards him kn?
heheh... ala... cuma terlintas je kot.. dont u think??

So, semalam.. I dengar le lagu ni.. cam terkena plak batang idung pesek ni.. :))
Now... let's enjoy!!

Tak Mungkin Kerana Sayang

Setiba di persimpangan

Langkah kita tak lagi sehaluan
Bermula di saat itu
Tidak senada irama dan lagu

Begitu hidup ini
Tiada yang abadi
Yang patah tumbuh
Yang hilang berganti

Kau telah jauh, jauh dariku
Tiada ruang di hati buatmu
Namun harusku akui
Ada ketika di minda kau menjelma kembali

Sekali sekala ada
Ada rindu yang datang tiba-tiba
Tak mungkin kerana sayang
Cuma terganggu oleh perasaan

Begitu hidup ini
Tiada yang abadi
Yang patah tumbuh
Yang hilang berganti

Friday, April 24, 2009

Doa Menghilangkan Marah

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani

Aku berlindung diri dengan Allah dari syaitan yang terkutuk;

Ya Allah,
Ampunilah dosa ku; dan
Hilangkanlah kepanasan hatiku; dan
Lepaskanlah daku dari syaitan yang terkutuk

Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin...

My Morning....

Pagi ni nana berjaya bangun awal. Traffic pon smooth. So.. i was glad enough i was early.
In a happy mood, i bawa kereta ke Station LRT Taman Melati. I found out yang free parking place kat Melati area tuh dah penuh, so, i decided to park my car at Tioman flat parking compound. I know it is wrong to park there sbb parking tuh suppose for tenant aje kn.. but selalu kan org lain keje bawa kereta.. and the parking is not full during working hours.

Lepas i locked my car and happily started walking to the station, i dengar ade honk from my back. I nampak ade satu 4 wheel drive tapi tak tau la apesal dia honk. So, i waited him to drive to the opposite side of the road. Rupanye, dia nak marah sbb i was parking at the space there. Dia menjerit2 like nobody's business. Mentang2 la i ni perempuan and obviously he is a pakcik. Suka ati dia aje nak marah2 kat i. So, with a regret of waiting for him tadi, i buat muka bodoh aje la. Nak buat ape lagi.. marah2 pon tak guna jugak kn? :P

I know i was wrong. I have no comment for that. Tapi dari i kene saman dek DBKL sbb abusing traffic parking tepi jalan and to save my cash of RM4 parking fee per day. I have to park there la. What choice do i have? Sedih betul.. lagipon i know i cant afford to pay extra for most of the things... :((

Jadi pagi ni, dengan sepenuh hati, i tried my best not to be in bad mood. Just think positive aje la. Lantak la kat pakcik tuh. Dia nak kate ape pon i just dont care. Nothing really matter. What's important is to get to work on time.. tu aje. Tapi rase gak mata ni cam berair2, and rase cam a bit sour here and there.. huhu..

Nana!!! Cheer up... today is friday! Eventho esok keje.. but just half day ma.. kan?
Gotta work... Dot.. Dot.. Dot..

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Doa Murah Rezeki

Ya Allah,
sekiranya rezeki kami berada di langit,
maka turunkanlah ia;

jika ia ada di bumi,
keluarkanlah ia;
jika ia ada di dalam lautan,
munculkanlah ia;
Sekiranya rezeki kami ada di tempat yang jauh,
dekatkanlah ia;
jika ia sedikit, banyakkanlah ia;
jika caranya sukar untuk sampai kepada kami,
mudahkanlah ia;
pindahkanlah rezeki tersebut kepada kami
dengan kemuliaan, kepemurahan dan kebaikanMu,
dengan rahmatMu,
Wahai Yang Maha Pengasihi
diantara yang pengasih.
Amin.. Amin..
Ya Rabbal Alamin...

Lazy Mood...

I am damn extremely lazy today.. donno why.. but i am.. sejuk pon satu hal jugak. One of the kakak in the office bawak ikan masak asam pedas and she offered me some of it but i am so lazy to walk to the other side of the road to buy nasi putih for myself so i turned it down. Cam tolak rezeki la plak.. and cam tak sopan pon ade jugak rasenye. But i cant help myself of being lazy today. Malas nak bergerak byk, malas nak fikir byk.. and segalanye ade perkataan malas. Kalau ade award "Miss Malas Universe".. i think i will win the award for the day kot.. ahahah!!!

Hmm.. tadi nana baca blog my fren. He is planning a vacation to Yogyakarta.. huhu.. 4 days 4 nites to a historic city.. and so damn cheap. I wish i could spend myself for a nice vacation too. Dah lama sebenarnye tak pergi mane2 even dalam Malaysia. I dont think i afford to go anywhere until next year. And next year pulak, maybe kene simpan duit jugak sbb nak kawin. Hmm.. kenape la susah sgt nak kawin skrg.. sume pon pakai duit.

Owh, cakap pasal kawin, both of my best friends are getting married this year. Huhuh.. one is he, one is she... hmm... I will eventually be lonely without my best friends by my side. Lucky for me, now im not alone. At least i got a boyfriend. And that's one of the reason my female best friend is getting married sooner from the date they had planned. She said that i no longer alone and my bf can take care of me if she gets married. hmmm... I am sad but i am happy for her. Now she can be happy after all the hard time she has been through. Owh.. and also to my male best friend. Eventhough he is a pain in the ass.. but he is still my lovely sweet and perasan hensem friend. Hehe.. Hope his wedding is blessed.. Amin..

Then, bile nye pulak nak pergi bercuti ni? Nak keje pon cam dah bosan ni.. monotonous je.. hhuhuhu... I am still searching for the suitable career in town.. which is near to my living place, nice and condusive working environment and colleagues, promising career, stable company and a reasonable boss and good pay which is equal to the workload. Huhuh.. Kinda demanding, dont u think?? Keep on dreaming baby... hehehe...

Anyway.. life still goes on... I had my confirmation letter last friday.. and I went for an interview yesterday.. huhu.. Nice company with a young and handsome boss. As i said, I am still job hunting, as long as it takes.. until i dont know when.. because I, myself dont really know what is the answer. Today evening after work, all of us will have a short briefing.. which I really hope it will be short coz I have my own personal things to be done after work. Hmmm... I just hate meeting or briefing after work.. it will drag unnesessarily... *Hope the spelling is right..*

Okayla... long writing huh?.. i never remember that i like to do writing.. but now i dont think i have the choice.. hehe... Off I go.....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I Am Sad :((

Today... I am very very sad. Rase cam nak nangis, bengang and disappointed. I am late to office no matter how early I wake up in the morning. I will definitely need to walk from the LRT station to office and fro. The LRT is one more thingy.. huhu.. tekanan.. tak tau nak komen ape. Semua pon going against me…

Bila sampai office lambat, bos pon mula la panjangkan tengkuk cam kura-kura. Geram betul. Sekarang ni bos pon cam mencari salah, online buka news pon salah, nak kate main games pon takde but being accused of playing games. Pastu, siap boleh cakap kat my colleague lain yang I buat camtuh. Elo…. I ni pekak kot. Dia tak pandai nak guna sign language… Geram betul…

Sejak keje kat sini, supposed skrg ni dah boleh senyum happily sbb dah abis probation. But I am still under probation!!! Said that i am already confirm but cakap mulut mana valid melainkan ade black and white confirmation letter. Nak minta cuti pon tak boleh.. kang amik MC banyak2 kang kate tak take care diri sendiri plak. Ade ke my bos ble cakap that I am fat and not healthy. Hampeh betul... *I am quoting this in my own word.. cara dia cakap lagi sarcastic...*

Anyway... lantak la.. today datang awal ke... datang lambat ke... balik tetap on time... peduli apa... Hmmm.... okla.. dah nak balik.. nak pack... Yeay..... Off then..

Monday, March 16, 2009

Post Yang Takde Tajuk....

Sekarang ni jam menunjukkan pukul 4.42 ptg. Rasa malas nak keje tuh cam dah makin menimbun2. Lagipon hari dah start mendung kat luar.. huhu.. kat showroom arini agak lengang. Malas nak tgk job kat dalam.. biar la outstanding sampai esok. Arini nana rase cam nak balik tido.

Pagi tadi bangun tido pukul 7. Punya la lambat.. mak dah bising tanye arini keje ke idak. Huhu.. mau tak keje.. mestila keje.. dgn kelam kabut bangun and kene mandi stail koboi aje.. terus gi office. Sume sbb diri sendiri gak.. G dah kejut at 6am that morning tapi malas nak bangun. Kan dah terlajak tido.. padan muka sendiri.. huhuh.. Otw ke lrt tu.. rase cm pelik je kenapa la jalan lengang semacam. Lupa la arini dah start cuti sekolah. Padanla cam ramai je org kawin last weekend and this weekend. Jemputan boleh tahan jgk la byknye.. but dont think that i can afford to attend all the wedding invitations.. Seriously, im broke. Dengan berbekalkan duit kurang dari 100 ringgit Malaysia.. nana kene survive sampai dapat gaji. Boleh ke? huhu... cabaran betul.

At this moment.. nana rase nana rindu kat G tapi nana tak dapat contact dia. Maybe bateri handphone dia dah kong. Hmmm... tabah aje la.. nana cam segan sket nak call office dia. Maybe before balik nanti kot... or just wait for his call.. hmm..

Oleh sbb lembab menaip and tak ble concentrate menyusun ayat.. huhu.. better i just pen-off now. Nanti kalau ade mase sambung... to be continued...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Flat Tyre

Hmm... isnin lepas, anta acik balik hostel dgn G. Masa otw balik tuh, kami lalu Jalan Tun Razak heading towards ttwangsa. I thot i didnt drive that fast pon.. and maintaining myself at the slow lane tapi ntahle ape yang nana langgar kat situ.. ade some kind of sound yang agak menakutkan.. risau gak kalau tayar pancit atau pecah masa tuh. Lucky for us, nothing happened there. Huh..

We decided to makan at ttwangsa.. sbb G teringin nak makan aiskrim walaupon arituh ujan sepanjang hari. Ada gerai makan next to the ice cream shop. Hmm.. i parked my car nearby aje. Walaupon ati cam tak sedap fikir pasal ape yang nana dah langgar kat jalan tadi.. but i managed to eat all the nasik goreng kampung. Maybe sbb lapar kot. Then bile dah abis makan.. ingat nak balik le.. biasela.. dh kenyang.. mestila nak balik ingat bantal je. * i missed my bed now.. sbb mengantuk sgt lepas lunch ni...* Huh... mase tuh la rase cam sedih sgt sbb tgk tayar kete flat. Ni second time kene.. arituh pon flat kat ttwangsa gak. Yang wat sedih tuh bukan sbb tayar tuh flat nak kene ganti.. tampal tayar pon 5 ringgit je.. tapi proses menukar tayar lepas makan.. aduss... penat seh.. perut dah senak.. nak buat keje berat ni.. mau tak mengah.. heehhe.. tapi nasib baik bf ada sekali masa tuh. So.. takde la teruk sgt nak kene wat sowang.

Smlm lepas rushed balik keje, nana gi kedai tayar Andy kat batu caves. Andy cakap i drive tak guna mata.. huhu.. teruk betul la org tua ni... pastu.. ble lak staff dia nak ketuk nana, soh tampal dalam tyre.. and dia nak charged me rm20. Hampeh betul... I soh dia tampal biase aje.. rm5.
Tu la memang dah lumrah kalau perempuan gi mane2 workshop pon.. org kedai tuh sure nk kelentong kite... ingat sume perempuan boleh ditipu camtuh aje ke.. :(

huhu... okla.. takleh nak tulis panjang2.. ekceli im replacing my colleague kejap aje for lunch. dia pon dah balik.. eheh.. off i go.. :D

Monday, March 2, 2009


Sekarang ni nana rase nana jarang update blog. Bukan nana taknak update tapi nana tak tau nak tulis ape.. dulu masa nana single mingle tuh cam byk je nak tulis.. but now, bile ade bf cam takde idea nak tulis pape... pasal ek??

Bile nana fikirkan... nana rase mase nana lonely dulu.. nana selalu blogging.. maybe tu aje la cara menghilangkan bosan dan sepi.. hehe.. mesti ramai yang tak berkenan dgn equation yang nana buat ni kot.. but i dont really care.. just my personal opinion..
depressed + lonely + boring = idea for blogging
ehehe.. but it is true ape.. terima aje la kenyataan tu. Tapi kalau nana kene tambah lagi kot.. mesti ade sleeping and eating.. ahahah...

So... sekarang ni maybe cam dah ade cara lain utk menghilangkan rasa bosan yang melimpah2 sebelum ni.. jadik dah ilang idea bile nak blog..*ye ke ilang idea?? bile time idea byk tuh rasenye panjang aje nana tulis...*

hmmm.....ntahla... off then!:P

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Last Weekend....

Last saturday, i went out jogging dgn G after sending my mother to her school she is teaching in Sentul. We went to Taman Tasik Metropolitan in Kepong. Matahari dah mula keluar masa kami sampai.. which was at 8am. *lambat gile gi jog. org lain sure dah abis 2-3 round.. huhu* Joging pon bukan le semenggah sangat.. huhu.. malas gile.. lagipon hidung plak tersumbat, mmg la tak larat lari. Ble jalan aje.. itu pon dah berpeluh2 cam ape ntah..

After jog, i got a text msg from Juju tanye nak tgk PGL the musical tak? *huhu.. definitely nana nak gi.. lagi mau tanya...* Tiket free... thank you Juju. I love u alwiz. Lepas jog, kami gi makan roti canai.. huhu.. teringin sangat nak makan roti canai arituh. Nasib baik bf rajin melayan.. kalau tak, kempunanla nana ni..

Tghari tuh.. nana tak sanggup dah tgk kereta sendiri. Kotor gile.. siap ade tahi burung lagi kat bonet kete. Hmm.. salah sendiri la jugak sbb malas nak gi basuh.. so, i decided nak basuh kete dulu before gi Istana Budaya for 3 pm show of PGL the musical. Hmm.. basuh punye basuh.. lupa masa.. Ya Allah... Juju pon dah bagi msg supaya jangan lewat datang.. and i only have less than an hour utk siap mandi and drive to Istana Budaya. Huhu... menggelabahnye nana.. padan muka sendiri kan? Masa my bf datang tu mmg le nana kene sergah... dia cakap " Huh! Tak siap lagi?? Dah pukul brapa ni?" dgn loghat kedah dia yang ala2 di'modernize' dgn bahasa KL. haha..

Lucky for us.. sampai on time and senang dapat parking. Rasenye dah ble lawan dalam F1 kot.. ahah... seyes cam org gile bawak kete. My bf asyik soh i sabar, maybe sbb dia cuak tgk i bawak kete kalut semacam. Lepas doing some touch-up kat muka nana, then we went to the hall. Then terus dengar announcement kene masuk hall. Our seats kat atas, upper circle 3rd row. Dah la i tak bawak my second mata.. huhu.. langsung tak jelas muka Gusti Adipati yang gagah perkasa. 1/2 half tuh.. makan ati gak la.. sbb tak jelas. Then lepas intermission baru ok.. gi amik mata kat kete. I did enjoy the play especially bile Sultan Melaka menari happily ala2 broadway sbb nak kawin dgn puteri gunung ledang. I am always a fan of Adlin.. hmm. Very the best huhu.. Sorry la.. i dont like the hero, Hang Tuah. For me, dia tak melayu enuf to be Hang Tuah. Gusti puteri is always the best... her graceful dance and her excellent acting skills.. just so magnificent.. huhu I love the music.. really nice. My bf siap beli cd lagi bile abis play. Hope lain kali dapat peluang tgk teater lagi. *Sayang... pls take note... next time.. hehe*

Abis cite sabtu, ari ahad kami plan gi jog again kat Metro lake tapi ended up kat FRIM. Masuk dah la kene bayar RM6. Bile dah park kete, we decided to go for the canopy walk. Kami tak pegi beli tiket pon arituh sbb saje nak cuba naik dulu. Tiket naik canopy walk is RM5 each person. Nak naik sampai atas tu ingat takde la teruk sgt.. tapi sbb dah berkurun lama tak naik bukit camtuh.. penat gile. Nak naik sampai atas tuh punye la susah.. dah lama tak berpeluh2 camtuh. Dah la arituh nana period 2nd day, walaupon tak heavy, but still naik kebas abis satu badan ni. Sampai kat one point, i dont think i dare enuf to climb anymore. Takut kang i tergolek ke belakang. Huhu... nana cakap kat my bf yang nana dah tak larat nak naik lagi. So, kami patah balik. On the way down, nana nampak a couple of old lady walking the same route with me.. dalam hati nana pk, camne la makcik2 ni mampu memanjat sampai atas dan turun semula. Wah... tabik spring la.. hmmm... Nampaknye nana kene work out lagi.. my stamina is not that good, obviously...

Balik umah nana decided to rehat2 aje kat umah. Sebab nana dok golek2 kat depan tv, my brother said that nana cam ikan paus terdampar.. huhu.. i know la im fat but dont la be so cruel. Hmmm... my sis called me a water melon. huhu.. sedih sey.. adik2 nana ni.. mulut mmg takde insurance.. but i dont really take it personally. Hehe.. biar le org nak kate ape.. janji i happy. Betul tak?

Okla.. pjg sgt ni... O.F.F.....

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Halal @ Haram...

Semalam kat office.. one of the manager masak bubur... bubur tu mmg la halal di makan.. tapi.. one of the ingredient is mince pork. huhu... bukan ke bubur tu dah jadik haram. Masalahnye.. manager ni cina.. so.. dia pon main tibai sesedap rase.. masak pulak kat showroom. Cam hampeh je.. dah la minggu ni nana has to be in-charge of showroom and reception counter. Geram pulak jadiknye.. smlm letak post geram kn... sebenarnye geram sgt smlm tuh... Kalau bau bubur babi tuh sedap boleh la i consider kot.. huhu.. tapi mmg tak sedap langsung!!! Masak pakai pressure cooker.. dalam office yang ade air-cond. Habis bau tak ilang, walaupon kat cooker tuh ade cooker hood.. tapi fan power tak cukup kuat nak sedut semua bau and asap kat situ. Island hood.. what do u expect more for the performance?? Atas hal tersebut.. maka dengan suka hati je nana bukak pintu office luas2.. and all the windows... i dont give a damn anymore... marah le.. mmg stuffy. Saje kot nak bagi nana mati dgn bau bubur babi yang diorg masak.. so that.. kurang la satu melayu islam dalam office ni.

Pastu.. pagi2 lagi dh kene tegur dgn bos.. sbb datang lambat. Huhuh.. bukan sengaja, naik public transport.. biase la tuh. Kadang2 awal gile.. kdg2 lambat gile.. huhu.. nak betul2 on time tu.. it would be once in the blue moon... Arini mmg lambat gile.. nana kuar cam biase je. Tapi bile sampai kat lrt station, tgk crowd has build up.. huhu.. ramai gile.. rase cam kat platform tuh dah tak leh nak bernafas.. huhu.. mase tuh dah pk dah.. mesti tak dapat nak sampai office cepat. Then.. tabah aje la.. takkan nak MC plak. Bengang betul.. bukan nana buat keje tak betul, cuma sekali skala nana lambat.. kalau nana lambat dalam seminit 2 pon nak kire.. masak la.. mentang2 kami ade punch card. Dah la dalam lrt takde air-cond. huhu.. panas rase cam dok dalam sauna tuh.. cuma beza dalam lrt kene berdiri and kene survive terhayun ke kiri ke kanan. Nasib baik dalam lrt tadi ade org putih yang agak hensem.. senyum2 dgn nana.. huhu.. sejuk sket ati yang panas..

Pastu.. boleh lak bos soh consider driving or moving to pj. Elo.. kalau gaji tuh luxury... boleh la aku consider.. tapi dgn gaji seciput yang dapat tuh.. nak soh tinggal kat pj?? Bermimpi la.. nana takmo la tinggal kat reban ayam pulak.. berhimpit2 share bilik kecik and some more kene plak bayar dekat 3rat. I still need to consider my quality of life. Kalau nak betul2 stay in pj.. better rumah nana tuh dekat sungguh dgn office.. meaning, walking distance. Kalau nak kene suruh drive plak.. then minyak and parking need to be considered. Huhuu.. Dalam keadaan sekarang ni.. mmg jauh dari perkataan MAMPU. Mampus.. maybe dekat kot.. ahahahah.... :P

Huhu.. rajinnye nana merepek. Mungkin dah overdose sedut bau bubur babi semalam... sampai keluar dgn bf pon terbawak2 geram tuh. Kesian kat bf... kene la layan sayang punye pasal... betul tak sayang? Hhuhu..:P

GTG... off then..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Arini... ingat nak balik awal, meaning sharp2 kol 5.30 nak pack up then balik terus.. rupa2nye ade plak meeting pasni... geram betul... huhu.. ingat arini nak gi amik angin kat taman.. gi jog kat tasik ke mlm ni. At least tenang sket ati.. baru planning ajak bf teman jog.. ekceli kalau dia teman.. mesti tak jadik jog.. jalan2 bersiar2 aje.. tapi selagi bf yang meneman.. tak kesah la sgt.. ehehe...

Skrg ni my bos ade depan mata i.. tapi tgk muka dia menyampah sungguh. takleh tgk org senang.

okla.. dah dekat 5.30 pm. huhu.. nak pack up and halau everyone from their seat to meeting room. huhu...


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Demam Selsema...

Rase cam dah lama tak update blog kan?? huhuh... Ari ahad arituh... nana demam panas + selsema + batuk + sakit tekak... huhu.. i hate cold + fever. mmg tak ske langsung.. sbb badan sakit2.. kepala pening.. pastu sure mata kabur, tak nampak sgt.. Abis sendi2 badan cam nak tercabut.. huhu.. takde maknenye cuti lama2 tapi kene dok kat katil aje..

Abis sume planing over the long weekend tak menjadi.. nasib baik sempat gi dating ari sabtu. Heheh.. Ekceli ari sabtu tu.. nana gak yang gatal2 makan abc time ari tgh bahang gile.. saje cari penyakit.. huhu.. pastu share plak dgn bf yang memang batuk dan selsema. Such a clever girl.. dont u think so?? hehe.. sendiri cari penyakit.. Malam tuh.. masa nak tgk cite Ong Bak 2, mmg dah ala2 ting-tong.. dah tak larat.. tapi sbb dah beli tiket.. gagah jugak la gi tgk.. huhu.. tapi time movie.. rase ngantuk gile. so.. takde la tgk sgt cite tuh.. tido aje lebih..

Arini gi keje kepala cam pening2.. tak tau le larat tak keje ni. Risau kang lain lak jadiknye.. dah la suara serak2 ni. Anyway.. hidup perlu diteruskan.. Wish me luck today...

Off then..

Thursday, January 29, 2009


After 3 years of living with a status of single... kinda awkward when having a boyfren. huhu... Seriously I really feel the differences. Eventually.. there are pros and cons.. but I am enjoying the feelings.

Yesterday nite we were talking over the phone, and talking about marriage. Rase cam pelik gile.. but as my bf said.. "satu hari nanti kene cakap jugak pasal bende ni.." which I never thot i will. Huhu... And the best part is.. I need to wait at least another 3 years for that. Ahahah... Serious lama... Macam2 yang nana pk pasal ni. Macam2 soalan yang timbul. Is it worth waiting?? Yakin ke nana untuk menunggu?? Will he love me still then??

Buat masa ni.. nana mmg sayang my bf so much.. tapi nanti.. boleh ke? Nana jadik kurang yakin dgn diri sendiri, instead of tak percayakan my bf. My bf ingat I tak yakin dgn dia.. What i know now is... I am deeply in love with my bf... maybe that's all that matter.. huhu

Hmm... i baru dgr lagu ni kat tadi... so.. enjoy...

Don't Know Much
(Linda Ronstadt)

Look at this face I know the years are showing.
Look at this life I still don't know where it's going.
I don't know much but I know I love you.
That may be all I need to know.
Look at these eyes they've never seen what matters.
Look at these dreams so beaten and so battered.
I don't know much but I know I love you.
That may be all I need to know.

So many questions still left unanswered.
So much I've never broken through.
And when I feel you near me, sometimes I've seen so clearly.
The only truth I've ever known is me and you.
Look at this man so blessed with inspiration.
Look at this soul still searching for salvation.

I don't know much but I know I love you.
That may be all I need to know.
I don't know much but I know I love you.
That may be all I need to know.
I don't know much but I know I love you
That may be all there is to know.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What happened yesterday....???

Yesterday, seorang lelaki named G yang nana kenal barely 2 weeks ago said that he likes me, he said he'd fell in love with me.. I was shocked sampai buat keje kat office pon slow gile.. and i dont really think about my work. I was thinking about what he said to me. Otak nana jadik celaru.. It been years back since the last time i heard a guy said "i love u" to me. Kinda creapy.. meremang gak bulu-bulu yang ada di badan... ahahahah

I rase he said it too early.. dia pon rasa camtu gak.. but he said he learned from mistake. Dulu2 dia pernah suka a lady and not telling he likes her. So.. melepas aaa.. heheh.. Nana pon pernah gak camtuh.. but kalau nana nak cakap nana suka kat that guy.. dulu nana akan confess la.. but not now. Skrg ni, nana pon dah belajar dari pengalaman nana sendiri. I will never ever confess first to the guy that i like him or love him. Never...

But, I believe in him. I trusted that he must have give a deep thot before he said that to me kan? I dont think he's trying to play fool with me.. tapi kalau dia brani buat camtuh.. rasenye.. tak lama kot kehidupan dia.. after all that i've been thru.. nana rase nana sampai ati aje nak tanam dia hidup2.. On second thot, maybe bukan idup2 la.. cam tak cukup kejam je.. but i'll make him suffer.. as much as i will suffer jugak.*Syg, if ur reading this.. im sorry but i mean it.*

This is kinda awkward, I am talking about this.. Huhuh... but sumtimes weird things do happens in our life... termasuk la pada diri nana sendiri. New relationship.. new man in my life.. huhu.. kene buka buku baru.. belajar memahami diri dia dan diri sendiri. Kinda hard work for me and for him. Maybe this is consider as a good start in this new year.. what u think? Ok tak?

Rase cam dah panjang cite... owh.. ptg ni nana boleh dapat my car back.. yeay... happy:D
Off then... later....

Monday, January 19, 2009

His name is G...

Mr Man dah jadik history... but selalu org cakap la.. "patah tumbuh hilang berganti" so.. it happens.. nana ingatkan nana akan stay solo sampai at least maybe middle of this year.. tapi tak sangka plak.. kuasa Allah, nana ditemukan dgn sorg lelaki yang lain. Let's call him G. And he is even nicer and much more gentle than Mr Man.*awak.. kalau awak bace jgn perasan ok?*

I met him in the net, evening 4th jan 2009. Ended up meeting each other for dinner the same night. Kinda pelik, tak tau kenapa boleh terbuka hati nak jumpa chatter. Sedangkan nana selalu bagi alasan2 yang nana sendiri rasa tak munasabah to the chatters who asking me out. Maybe kuasa Tuhan, terbuka hati nak berjumpa dgn G.

I was waiting at the bus station, depan taman perumahan i aje. G said he'll meet me there. Tapi.. when he called mase tuh.. bile i nampak dia, hati berbelah bagi.. kawan ni dah depan mata.. cuma dia tak tau i yang mane satu la.. but i donno whether i nak jumpa dia atau tak..What was im thinking at that time?? rasa cam taknak jumpa.. huhu.. sbb dia nampak cam menakutkan.. dari jauh la.. mase tu i rase cam nak lari.. hehehe... tapi bile pk2 balik.. i've made a promise kan? takkan plak i taknak jumpa dia.. dia dah baik2 datang kat area rumah i for my convenience. lagi takmo jumpa... *nana rase skrg ni i've turn into evil.. such a big problem im going into.. hahahah*

So.. lepas jumpa dia tuh.. makan2 kat restaurant area tu jugak.. he seems to be a nice person. Kinda charming but not really a charm. G ni jenis yang senang mesra kot.. atau nana yang talkative and mesra alam sangat.. it seems all those dont really matter now kan?.. heheh
What im trying to say is.. im glad that i met him. At least aras pemikiran dia masih selari la dgn nana.. itu yang penting.. and he accept me the way i am, and i can accept him as he is.. walaupon dia lebih muda sket dari nana.. *erk.. terasa cam meniru trend mawi and ekin plak.. :P*

Anyway... life goes on.. still meeting him.. and starting to like him.. cuma it will take forever kalau dia tak make the first move. Nak harap nana... jangan harap la.. sbb i just wont dare to do it.. skrg ni i dah jadik minah sensitip and fear of rejection. kawan2 tak jadi jumpa utk window shopping pon buleh terasa.. mane datang extra sense of sensitivity ni pon tak tau le... maybe sbb dah tua kot... huhu

okla... rase cam dah panjang sgt cite pasal mamat ni.. kang perasan plak.. if ur reading this dear.. pls jgn kembang.. or jgn marah.. eheh.. im sorry... nanti raya saya minta maaf again..

off then....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Perasaan yang tak terkawal...

Sejak minggu lepas, nana rase cam pelik aje. ade uncertain feelings.. huhu.. hati tak sedap.. tapi still rasa happy. I am not sad.. but i feel uneasy. Hati cam meronta2... macam ada something yang tak lengkap. Ape?? Nana sendiri pon kurang pasti dgn perasaan sendiri.

Hati nana berdebar2... macam ada yang tak kene... teruk la perasaan camni.. nak sort pon tak tau camne.. Kadang2 rasa cam nak terkeluar jantung ni.. sbb berdegup cam cepat sgt.. huhu... I dont want this feeling.. but i kinda enjoying it.. Nana rase cam org gile pon ade gak..

Minggu ni badan nana tak brape sihat. Asyik pening2 and demam sket2. Maybe sbb period kot. Dah jumpa doktor arini, doktor soh datang balik lepas period utk further checking, kene gi scanning. Huhu.. tak suka scanning.. dari dulu camtuh.. takut seh..

Hmmm.... nana dah tak tau ape nak sambung.. nanti sambung lagi.. nak start keje.. pen-off!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Second Thought.... My New Year Resolution

Ahahahah....!!!!... I still feel like laughing when i read about my very own great resolution that i am going to start this year... i never consider myself getting married. ME??? It feels like dreaming.. wahahaha.... I feel like its tickling my stomach every time i think about it. Tak boleh tahan la...

Anyway... on second thot.. pasal kawin ni.. sbb bukan leh main pakse2.. i remember one of my colleague dulu, her new year resolution is to get married by the end of the year.. huhu.. such a brave move eventho she ended up tak kawin2 sampai skrg. And the best part.. she is still standing strong!!! How did she did that? How did she mend her own feelings? I think i will ask her la nanti bile i jumpa dia.. Tapi for me la.. masalahnye.. kalau desperately wanna get married in the same year.. i am very afraid that i will get myself into a very huge dissapointment. huhu.. Bukan senang seh nak cari life partner. Takut pon ade gak.

So... I decided pasal married thingy ni.. i just let it be aje la.. No specific due date. Kalau ade jodoh... InsyaAllah.. ade la.. yang i boleh buat is to put some effort into the matter. Huhuh.. Nak buka hati untuk kenal lelaki yang kite totally tak kenal or kenal macam tak kenal.. nak buka buku baru.. time and effort.. huhu... i cuma ade 1 word aje for this... M.A.L.A.S..... hahahahahah!!!!

Hm... mengeluh pon tak guna gak.. jadi baikle i doa kat Allah so i that i akan bertemu jodoh... Amin...

Doa Mempermudahkan Jodoh

Dengan nama ALLAH yang Maha Pengasih, lagi Maha Penyayang, Ya TUHAN-ku, aku akui Kekuasaan-Mu, Nikmat lagi rahmat, buat diriku tak terbalas olehku, ya ALLAH.

Ya TUHAN-ku, hamba-Mu ini mensyukuri, rahmat yang Kau beri, umpama rezeki, melimpah-ruah, ya ALLAH.. Alhamdulillah..

Dengan rahmat-MU, Ya ALLAH, KAU pertemukan kami, maka, satukanlah hati kami, titipkanlah rindu antara kami, mekarkanlah cinta antara kami.

Lantas , peliharalah kami ya ALLAH, dari bisikan iblis yang datang menggoda, agar kami sentiasa teguh dalam syariat agama.

Ya RAHIM, permudahkanlah jalan jodoh kami, serta dipermurahkan rezeki kami. Jadikanlah kami antara pasangan yang bersyukur.

Dengan rahmat-MU, ya ALLAH, lagi, sinarilah hati kami, dengan nur iman yang begermelapan, agar kami tidak hanyut, dengan godaan dunia, yang hanya pinjaman semata.

Amin, amin. YA RABBIL A'LAMIN...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

This New Year...

Not a very good start..... Rasenye cam malang yang bertimpa2... bak kate my fren... "Ni sume dugaan Allah nak bagi sekarang.. nanti maybe akan ade something better waiting in the future.." huhuh.. what a positive thot?? tapi tak tau le kenape... hati cam tenang menerima dugaan yang datang. nana percaya yang Allah tu sentiasa Maha Adil dan Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang.. i just need to look for the bright side... dalam kesusahan sekarang ni.. mungkin nana akan jumpa kekuatan diri nana yang sebenarnye.. something yang nana tak nampak and tak jumpa.. Maybe....

Resolution... ape yang tak dapat achieve tahun lepas akan di"bring forward" ke tahun ni.. and tahun ni punye resolution pon cam leh tahan gak byknye.. but i finally find something new.. a mission yang rasenye takkan berpenghujung.. "I WANNA GET MARRIED". lepas kejadian eksiden kete 1.1.2009 tuh, i realized that i need a companion. a man who is caring enuf for me.. be there for me.. at least time eksiden camtuh.. and know how to settle the problem.. of course la kan.. kalau tak, what's the point of this whole story??*macam budak2 pon ade gak rasenye.. but mase tuh la rase cam kadang2 kawan2 pon takleh nak rely bile ade masalah camni*

Wishes.... rasenye tak lambat lagi kot for me to wish all of you.. a happy new year.. nana doakan kite sume akan lebih berjaya lagi dari tahun2 yang sebelumnye... Amin..:P