Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I Am Sad :((

Today... I am very very sad. Rase cam nak nangis, bengang and disappointed. I am late to office no matter how early I wake up in the morning. I will definitely need to walk from the LRT station to office and fro. The LRT is one more thingy.. huhu.. tekanan.. tak tau nak komen ape. Semua pon going against me…

Bila sampai office lambat, bos pon mula la panjangkan tengkuk cam kura-kura. Geram betul. Sekarang ni bos pon cam mencari salah, online buka news pon salah, nak kate main games pon takde but being accused of playing games. Pastu, siap boleh cakap kat my colleague lain yang I buat camtuh. Elo…. I ni pekak kot. Dia tak pandai nak guna sign language… Geram betul…

Sejak keje kat sini, supposed skrg ni dah boleh senyum happily sbb dah abis probation. But I am still under probation!!! Said that i am already confirm but cakap mulut mana valid melainkan ade black and white confirmation letter. Nak minta cuti pon tak boleh.. kang amik MC banyak2 kang kate tak take care diri sendiri plak. Ade ke my bos ble cakap that I am fat and not healthy. Hampeh betul... *I am quoting this in my own word.. cara dia cakap lagi sarcastic...*

Anyway... lantak la.. today datang awal ke... datang lambat ke... balik tetap on time... peduli apa... Hmmm.... okla.. dah nak balik.. nak pack... Yeay..... Off then..

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