Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Thots... Team Bonding 2009

Last weekend on the 13th and 14th June 2009, the company that I am working had organised a very nice team bounding activity which is CAMPING. It was so called camping la... eventho our tent got fan and air-cond.. such a canggih tent, I never see any tent similar to it before. It was 2 days and a night, full with activities and most of them were kinda challenging for me... Huuhuu... Badan selalu gi jogging aje kat Tasik Metro.. tiba2 kene gi jungle tracking, main paintball and wall climbing... huhu.. penatnye badan... Tuhan aje la yang tahu. Masa hari Ahad tuh.. takde pon rase sakit sangat.. Isnin ok lagi.. Tuesday.. nak bangun pagi pon tak boleh. Nak gerak badan pon tak larat. Bernafas pon susah.. So, yesterday MC aje. Nana pergi jumpa doktor semalam, dapat la ubat tahan sakit utk otot and sendi. Haha.. Biase le...

The place is in Ampang or more to say as Hulu Langat. Kalau lalu jalan lama to Kajang, yang ikut Hulu Langat tuh.. mmg tak miss tempat ni. The place calles as Look Out Point, originally, if I'm not mistaken, tempat ni org datang nak tgk burung. Tapi skrg ni, most of the visitors come there to have their dinner. Very cozy place... nice diner and of course, nice food. Kalau tak, org pon takmo menyusahkan diri sendiri nak datang sane malam2, dahla susah nak dapat parking. Dekat atas tempat tuh, parking limited. I cuba naik bukit tuh sekali je dgn my colleagues, mengah sey... I dont think I want to walk to the top again.

But it was very2 nice memories.. to mingle around with colleagues from different departments, the branches and Singapore office. At least now I can remember the faces and their names. You know la.. chinese names.. hard to remember.. sometimes I need to repeat the names a few times so that I will not forget again. I am very poor in memorising names... no matter what...:P

Hmmm.... what else to say? Nowadays, I selalu lack of words.. donno what to say, I dont even know what I am thinking. It is very depressing, I think I am growing old. Huhuh... *tapi bukan old ppl always nag ke? why did I turning opposite way?* Boleh tertekan camni...

What ever la... below ade gambar sket. till next time.
View from the entrance
Until now, I am not really sure whether it was the morning breeze or the haze that make this picture blur. But it was a very cold morning.. sejuk banget..

our canggih tent.

Green scenery. Sound of serenity.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Pot Luck

Hari ini kat office ade pot luck.. atau direct translationnye dikenali sebagai "Periuk Bertuah".. ahahah... such a funny translation kn? As usual, semua aktiviti masak memasak took place in the office showroom and pantry. Add into the menu is steamboat... bertambah la bau2 yang pelik2 kat showroom ni.

Hmm... skrg ni Nana dah terlebih kenyang. Beehoon goreng yang ade tadi pon tak makan lagi. Ingat kejap lagi dalam kol 3 lebih boleh la makan lagi kot. Bile dah kenyang camni mula la mengantuk. Tak larat dah nak buka mata. Agaknye tu sbb it was called as pot luck.. sbb bile dah makan kenyang.. kire bertuah kot. Sbb dapat makan sampai kenyang. Rezeki... :)

Hari ni macam malas je nak keje. Esok pagi nak kene pergi team building plak for 2 days. Banyaknye aktiviti. Nak rehat berguling2 kat umah pon susah. Takleh nak lepak main games sampai lewat malam. Balik umah lepas keje pon dah malam. By the time dinner, sembang2 sket dgn family members, jumpa bf kejap... sekelip mata aje dah kol 10-11 mlm. Beranganla nak dapat tido awal sket... kene la skip dinner and mingling around with family members which I cannot miss at all. Unless la kalau diorg sume dah tido... then no choice la.. balik umah just mandi.. minum air and then sleep. Huhuhu...

Tak sabar nak tunggu abis keje, nak balik awal la hari ni.. nak packing. tgk ape yang tak cukup.. lagipon tak pack ape2 pon utk esok. Ntah cukup, ntah tidak track bottom and t-shirt nak beraktiviti camni.. byk t-shirt pon cukup2 badan yang nana bawa gi jalan2 aje. Sport attire takde la byk mane.. rasenye cam kene pinjam adik punye kot. :P

Okayla... tak tau dah nak tulis ape.. Insya Allah minggu depan lepas nana balik dari team building kat Look-Out Point tu nana tulis lagi. Adios...:D

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Office yang beku....

Ha... nak tau kenape nana cakap camtuh... sbb dalam office ni.. air-cond dia kuat gile.. sejuk dan boleh membeku... then... org yang keje kat dalam office ni pulak mempunyai perwatakan yang sejuk beku... otak beku, perangai beku, hati pon beku.. orang putih cakap cold-hearted ppl.

Kenape nana cakap camni? Sbb.. most of the ppl in this office tak pandai nak jaga hati org lain. Takde courtesy, adab and tatasusila dah kureng... Hari ni, one of our colleague marinate chicken tandoori and grill them using the oven in the office pantry. Semua org cam ok je nak makan ayam tu.. including me la.. huhu.. so nice and tender.. tapi ade jugak org yang taknak makan.. Cakap macam2.. giving her lame excuses sedangkan kawan nana ni beriya2 la hidang kat diorg tuh. Pelik kn? Nana sendiri pon tak paham sebenarnye.. cant they just at least give it a bit, jaga hati kawan... ari2 pon tgk muka yang sama gak.. wat keje pon sama2 jugak kn? Hmmm.... but thinking of the tandoori chicken make my mouth watery again.. huhu

And... ade lagi satu hal yang buatkan nana rase agak terkilan and terasa cam beku je office ni. The office is going to have a dinner if I am not mistaken tomorrow night and I was not invited. Actually, not only me la.. ade a few more muslim colleagues sebab diorg nak dinner kat NON-HALAL restaurant. Hmmm... tak patut betul.. Sejak I keje kat sini, ade jugak la yang jenis tak sensitif pasal hal2 macam ni. Maybe the organizer is not particular enough about it.. atau saje je buat tak tau.. sbb nak makan ikut tekak masing2.

Alahai... rasenye arini walaupon cuaca sejuk... office punye air-cond pon sejuk beku.. tapi ati ade sket panas.. ade la cam kene grill skali dgn tandoori chicken tadi. Hmm... asyik nak mengeluh aje.. And tomorrow lunch time plak ade pot luck. Hmm... another thing yang buat nana panas ati. Just wait what will happenned tomorrow.... dont you think?

Okayla.. dah nearly 5.30 pm. Nana nak wrap everything up and go back. Off then... babai...:D

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Warehouse Sale...

After so long... lama dah rasenye tak update blog ni... since when I tiba2 stop my full time job as blogger ni I sendiri pon tak tahu.. ehehe...

Last weekend, the company that I am working now having their mid-year warehouse sale which took place at Shah Alam. I never involve in the warehouse sale sebab I'm still consider as new staff in the company. Rase cam berdebar2 juga takut kan nanti customer tanye soalan pelik2 about the appliances.. but I think I did manage well that day.. *Haha.. this is what I called as masuk bakul angkat sendiri, betul tak?*

They put me in-charge for the vacuum cleaner section... menggelabah.. sbb I dont know much about vacuum. Mane la penah vacuum rumah.. kete pon soh kedai je yang vacuum.. sekali soh jual vacuum cleaner.. mula la menggagau.. cuak seh... Tapi abis jugak all the vacuum cleaner kat section kami tuh. We managed to finish our stock before lunch.

I tengok section yang sold out all the items are washing machine, oven and cooker and ours la.. vacuum cleaner. Then, fridge and cooker hood pon boleh tahan juga. Dryer sampai petang baru jual 2/3 of the stock, so do the glass hobs.

Mostly yang boleh jual adalah B-Stock appliances. A-Stock agak slow juga.. but masih boleh jual. Maybe sbb diskaun utk A-Stock sikit sangat kot. I myself takde beli pape untuk diri sendiri sbb tak tau nak beli apa. Lagipon kat rumah tuh dah penuh.. lagi nak tambah extra appliance.. mane nak letak pon tak tau.. buat kene marah dgn mak aje nanti.

Hmm... okla.. rase cam dah panjang. Lepas warehouse sale.. this coming weekend ade team building plak.. huhu.. just wait and see la.. penat badan ni pon tak sudah lagi.. dah ade plak plan yang lain.. but I'm looking forward for it also.. huhu.. yang penting kita enjoy.. betul kn?

Till then... off we go...:P