Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Warehouse Sale...

After so long... lama dah rasenye tak update blog ni... since when I tiba2 stop my full time job as blogger ni I sendiri pon tak tahu.. ehehe...

Last weekend, the company that I am working now having their mid-year warehouse sale which took place at Shah Alam. I never involve in the warehouse sale sebab I'm still consider as new staff in the company. Rase cam berdebar2 juga takut kan nanti customer tanye soalan pelik2 about the appliances.. but I think I did manage well that day.. *Haha.. this is what I called as masuk bakul angkat sendiri, betul tak?*

They put me in-charge for the vacuum cleaner section... menggelabah.. sbb I dont know much about vacuum. Mane la penah vacuum rumah.. kete pon soh kedai je yang vacuum.. sekali soh jual vacuum cleaner.. mula la menggagau.. cuak seh... Tapi abis jugak all the vacuum cleaner kat section kami tuh. We managed to finish our stock before lunch.

I tengok section yang sold out all the items are washing machine, oven and cooker and ours la.. vacuum cleaner. Then, fridge and cooker hood pon boleh tahan juga. Dryer sampai petang baru jual 2/3 of the stock, so do the glass hobs.

Mostly yang boleh jual adalah B-Stock appliances. A-Stock agak slow juga.. but masih boleh jual. Maybe sbb diskaun utk A-Stock sikit sangat kot. I myself takde beli pape untuk diri sendiri sbb tak tau nak beli apa. Lagipon kat rumah tuh dah penuh.. lagi nak tambah extra appliance.. mane nak letak pon tak tau.. buat kene marah dgn mak aje nanti.

Hmm... okla.. rase cam dah panjang. Lepas warehouse sale.. this coming weekend ade team building plak.. huhu.. just wait and see la.. penat badan ni pon tak sudah lagi.. dah ade plak plan yang lain.. but I'm looking forward for it also.. huhu.. yang penting kita enjoy.. betul kn?

Till then... off we go...:P

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