Friday, April 24, 2009

Doa Menghilangkan Marah

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani

Aku berlindung diri dengan Allah dari syaitan yang terkutuk;

Ya Allah,
Ampunilah dosa ku; dan
Hilangkanlah kepanasan hatiku; dan
Lepaskanlah daku dari syaitan yang terkutuk

Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin...

My Morning....

Pagi ni nana berjaya bangun awal. Traffic pon smooth. So.. i was glad enough i was early.
In a happy mood, i bawa kereta ke Station LRT Taman Melati. I found out yang free parking place kat Melati area tuh dah penuh, so, i decided to park my car at Tioman flat parking compound. I know it is wrong to park there sbb parking tuh suppose for tenant aje kn.. but selalu kan org lain keje bawa kereta.. and the parking is not full during working hours.

Lepas i locked my car and happily started walking to the station, i dengar ade honk from my back. I nampak ade satu 4 wheel drive tapi tak tau la apesal dia honk. So, i waited him to drive to the opposite side of the road. Rupanye, dia nak marah sbb i was parking at the space there. Dia menjerit2 like nobody's business. Mentang2 la i ni perempuan and obviously he is a pakcik. Suka ati dia aje nak marah2 kat i. So, with a regret of waiting for him tadi, i buat muka bodoh aje la. Nak buat ape lagi.. marah2 pon tak guna jugak kn? :P

I know i was wrong. I have no comment for that. Tapi dari i kene saman dek DBKL sbb abusing traffic parking tepi jalan and to save my cash of RM4 parking fee per day. I have to park there la. What choice do i have? Sedih betul.. lagipon i know i cant afford to pay extra for most of the things... :((

Jadi pagi ni, dengan sepenuh hati, i tried my best not to be in bad mood. Just think positive aje la. Lantak la kat pakcik tuh. Dia nak kate ape pon i just dont care. Nothing really matter. What's important is to get to work on time.. tu aje. Tapi rase gak mata ni cam berair2, and rase cam a bit sour here and there.. huhu..

Nana!!! Cheer up... today is friday! Eventho esok keje.. but just half day ma.. kan?
Gotta work... Dot.. Dot.. Dot..

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Doa Murah Rezeki

Ya Allah,
sekiranya rezeki kami berada di langit,
maka turunkanlah ia;

jika ia ada di bumi,
keluarkanlah ia;
jika ia ada di dalam lautan,
munculkanlah ia;
Sekiranya rezeki kami ada di tempat yang jauh,
dekatkanlah ia;
jika ia sedikit, banyakkanlah ia;
jika caranya sukar untuk sampai kepada kami,
mudahkanlah ia;
pindahkanlah rezeki tersebut kepada kami
dengan kemuliaan, kepemurahan dan kebaikanMu,
dengan rahmatMu,
Wahai Yang Maha Pengasihi
diantara yang pengasih.
Amin.. Amin..
Ya Rabbal Alamin...

Lazy Mood...

I am damn extremely lazy today.. donno why.. but i am.. sejuk pon satu hal jugak. One of the kakak in the office bawak ikan masak asam pedas and she offered me some of it but i am so lazy to walk to the other side of the road to buy nasi putih for myself so i turned it down. Cam tolak rezeki la plak.. and cam tak sopan pon ade jugak rasenye. But i cant help myself of being lazy today. Malas nak bergerak byk, malas nak fikir byk.. and segalanye ade perkataan malas. Kalau ade award "Miss Malas Universe".. i think i will win the award for the day kot.. ahahah!!!

Hmm.. tadi nana baca blog my fren. He is planning a vacation to Yogyakarta.. huhu.. 4 days 4 nites to a historic city.. and so damn cheap. I wish i could spend myself for a nice vacation too. Dah lama sebenarnye tak pergi mane2 even dalam Malaysia. I dont think i afford to go anywhere until next year. And next year pulak, maybe kene simpan duit jugak sbb nak kawin. Hmm.. kenape la susah sgt nak kawin skrg.. sume pon pakai duit.

Owh, cakap pasal kawin, both of my best friends are getting married this year. Huhuh.. one is he, one is she... hmm... I will eventually be lonely without my best friends by my side. Lucky for me, now im not alone. At least i got a boyfriend. And that's one of the reason my female best friend is getting married sooner from the date they had planned. She said that i no longer alone and my bf can take care of me if she gets married. hmmm... I am sad but i am happy for her. Now she can be happy after all the hard time she has been through. Owh.. and also to my male best friend. Eventhough he is a pain in the ass.. but he is still my lovely sweet and perasan hensem friend. Hehe.. Hope his wedding is blessed.. Amin..

Then, bile nye pulak nak pergi bercuti ni? Nak keje pon cam dah bosan ni.. monotonous je.. hhuhuhu... I am still searching for the suitable career in town.. which is near to my living place, nice and condusive working environment and colleagues, promising career, stable company and a reasonable boss and good pay which is equal to the workload. Huhuh.. Kinda demanding, dont u think?? Keep on dreaming baby... hehehe...

Anyway.. life still goes on... I had my confirmation letter last friday.. and I went for an interview yesterday.. huhu.. Nice company with a young and handsome boss. As i said, I am still job hunting, as long as it takes.. until i dont know when.. because I, myself dont really know what is the answer. Today evening after work, all of us will have a short briefing.. which I really hope it will be short coz I have my own personal things to be done after work. Hmmm... I just hate meeting or briefing after work.. it will drag unnesessarily... *Hope the spelling is right..*

Okayla... long writing huh?.. i never remember that i like to do writing.. but now i dont think i have the choice.. hehe... Off I go.....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I Am Sad :((

Today... I am very very sad. Rase cam nak nangis, bengang and disappointed. I am late to office no matter how early I wake up in the morning. I will definitely need to walk from the LRT station to office and fro. The LRT is one more thingy.. huhu.. tekanan.. tak tau nak komen ape. Semua pon going against me…

Bila sampai office lambat, bos pon mula la panjangkan tengkuk cam kura-kura. Geram betul. Sekarang ni bos pon cam mencari salah, online buka news pon salah, nak kate main games pon takde but being accused of playing games. Pastu, siap boleh cakap kat my colleague lain yang I buat camtuh. Elo…. I ni pekak kot. Dia tak pandai nak guna sign language… Geram betul…

Sejak keje kat sini, supposed skrg ni dah boleh senyum happily sbb dah abis probation. But I am still under probation!!! Said that i am already confirm but cakap mulut mana valid melainkan ade black and white confirmation letter. Nak minta cuti pon tak boleh.. kang amik MC banyak2 kang kate tak take care diri sendiri plak. Ade ke my bos ble cakap that I am fat and not healthy. Hampeh betul... *I am quoting this in my own word.. cara dia cakap lagi sarcastic...*

Anyway... lantak la.. today datang awal ke... datang lambat ke... balik tetap on time... peduli apa... Hmmm.... okla.. dah nak balik.. nak pack... Yeay..... Off then..