Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Hi all....

Kontroversi kn bunyinye.... Hutang... tak kire la ape jenis pon.. ade setengah tu panggil loan.. ade setengah tu panggil debt.. ade gak org nak bagi sedap bunyi.. dia panggil installment atau term payment. Huhuh... ape2 pon bunyinye.. still it is one kind of hutangkn?

Kenape tiba2 cite pasal hutang ni? Hmm... insiden nye camni, tadi.. this early afternoon, ade la minah dari bank ni call nana, this is regarding of my auto loan la... my dearest kelisa.. called my cell once but that time nana ade call coming in, i was engaged on the other line with customer, so i didnt pick up. After i put down the phone, another call coming in and it comes to my surprise that she called me from my general office line. MasyaAllah, bukan la nak kate ape.. but to dig my personal info sampai camtuh skali.. rasenye kalau buat loan dgn bank skrg, i feel like i am a naked person. They easilly have access to my information from head to toe.

I had realised about all of these things quite sometimes. Tu pon mase bile nana menghadapi masalah untuk membayar hutang2 ni. Bukannye nana taknak bayar mase tuh.. i dah keluarkan most of my savings to pay as much as i could and still not enough to cover all. Dah la dgn takde keje nye mase tu. Thanks to "u know who u are" for making things worst. Tapi i have learnt the lesson very very well.

So, since end of last year, when i already have a good pay job, i made up my mind to pay the debt as much as i could. Alhamdulillah, lagi 3 bulan, 2 of my contract term payments will be finished. Tahun depan lepas abis tu, maybe nak approach the debt collection officer untuk teruskan another 1 more contract term payment yang agak sakit jugak untuk membayarnye bulan2. Banyak tuh.. Huhuu... sakit mmg sakit.. tapi difikirkan selesa dan leganye lepas abis bayar.. tuhan saja yang tahu.

Jadi... azam baru tahun depan ialah me'release'kn diri sendiri daripada belenggu blacklisted bank. Huhu... InsyaAllah, kalau takde aral melintang, awal tahun 2011, all those unhealthy debt will be finished. Huhuuuuhuhu.... azam ni kene tulis besar2 kat dalam bilik supaya tak lupa.. and tak membazir duit dgn bende2 tak berpekdah.. huhuh...

Okla.. rase cam lega sket lepas meluahkan perasaan yang terbuku dihati. Semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati rezeki kepada diri ku dan menjauhi diriku dari mala petaka.. Amin..

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