Malam ni agak berbahang.. dgn perasaan yang tak menentu.. nana baru je abis layan this movie.. titled 10 Things I Hate About You. Cerita ni was launched in cinema tahun 1999, March 31. Dah nearly 10 years tapi still can make me laugh and cry.. perasaan tu sama je cam masa 1st time nana tgk movie ni.. that time nana was 18. huhu... it really touched my heart again... *no wonder la this movie ble menang awards... eheheh...:)*
Cerita ni adaptasi modern dari Shakespeare's classic play titled "The Taming Of The Shrew". This story is about high school romance.. a girl named Kat Stafford (Julie Stiles), a boy name Patrick Verona (Heath Ledger) and a bunch of supporting cast la.. :D Patrick ni diupah oleh 2 budak lelaki(Joey and Cameron) yang berkenan kat adik Kat yang cantik (nama adik Kat ni Bianca Stafford), supaya mengorat Kat. Sebab Pakcik Stafford which is Kat's and Bianca's single father, dah tetapkan syarat kalau Bianca nak ade bf.. kenela lepaskan Kat dulu.. kira cam takleh langkah bendul kind of thinging la..
Dalam cite ni... ble tgk camne kesungguhan seorg lelaki mengorat perempuan yang garang.. huhu.. *bukan ke lelaki tak ske perempuan yang garang???* For me, nana suka 2 scenes
1- masa Patrick menyanyi kat padang bola tuh... which is so romantic...
2- masa Kat baca poem 10 Things I Hate About You kat depan kelas... sedih seh...
maybe sbb tu nana suka tgk romantic comedy movies.. ;P
Lastly.... this poem is dedicated to the person that i maybe in love with all of this while...
Lastly.... this poem is dedicated to the person that i maybe in love with all of this while...
10 things I hate about you poem
I hate the way you talk to me,
and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car,
*U hardly drive I think*
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots
*I dont think u have one..*
and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick,
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way youre always right,
I hate it when you lie.
*Did u really mean it???*
I hate it when you make me laugh,
even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when youre not around,
and the fact that you didnt call.
But mostly I hate the way I dont hate you,
not even close
not even a little bit
not even at all.
I hate the way you talk to me,
and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car,
*U hardly drive I think*
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots
*I dont think u have one..*
and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick,
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way youre always right,
I hate it when you lie.
*Did u really mean it???*
I hate it when you make me laugh,
even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when youre not around,
and the fact that you didnt call.
But mostly I hate the way I dont hate you,
not even close
not even a little bit
not even at all.
* i miss u dear... hope to hear from u soon...*