I dont really give a damn thing la about what she wanna say about me.. but telling the whole world negative things about me.. yang dia tau cuma like 1 or 2 percent of the story.. it will eventually reflect our own selves kan?.. for me.. she already become mulut tempayan.. and i need to watch out everytime im talking to her. Lepas ni no more saying things unappropriately. Harap muka aje cantik comel.. tapi mulut cam bontot ayam.(*huhu... kenapa mulut i jahat sgt today?? Marah sgt ke??)
Harini mmg agak panas. Hati yang panas.. tak tau le camne ni... bile hati panas.. perut plak sakit.. huhu.. camne? camne? camne? rase cam nak menjerit plak.. and sbb incidently terbaca blog dia.. wat lagi la hati ni panas. I taknak cite buruk pasal org lain la... tapi she does pissed me off. tak penah lagi i jumpa betina mulut cabul and sebesar tempayan cam dia. maybe i dah misjudged her in the first place.(*kenapa i still nak blamed myself..???)
Hmm.... what to do..?? takkan la plak i nak sound dia depan2 sdgkn it was my fault yang gatal pegi baca blog dia pasal..?? and maybe salah i sbb gi cite pasal my past to her, which she thot was a good topic for her blog entry. Life is always a pain in the ass tapi it depends on own self to make it better kan? I think now i dont know her oredy and i've learned my lesson. never trust new fren eventho she or he looks very nice and petite. huhu... my fault.. i have to swallow this mistake... :((
Okay la... cakap byk2 buat sakit hati and buat tambah sakit lain plak jap lagi.. better i pen-off... Merry Christmas.....

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