The place is in Ampang or more to say as Hulu Langat. Kalau lalu jalan lama to Kajang, yang ikut Hulu Langat tuh.. mmg tak miss tempat ni. The place calles as Look Out Point, originally, if I'm not mistaken, tempat ni org datang nak tgk burung. Tapi skrg ni, most of the visitors come there to have their dinner. Very cozy place... nice diner and of course, nice food. Kalau tak, org pon takmo menyusahkan diri sendiri nak datang sane malam2, dahla susah nak dapat parking. Dekat atas tempat tuh, parking limited. I cuba naik bukit tuh sekali je dgn my colleagues, mengah sey... I dont think I want to walk to the top again.
But it was very2 nice memories.. to mingle around with colleagues from different departments, the branches and Singapore office. At least now I can remember the faces and their names. You know la.. chinese names.. hard to remember.. sometimes I need to repeat the names a few times so that I will not forget again. I am very poor in memorising names... no matter what...:P
Hmmm.... what else to say? Nowadays, I selalu lack of words.. donno what to say, I dont even know what I am thinking. It is very depressing, I think I am growing old. Huhuh... *tapi bukan old ppl always nag ke? why did I turning opposite way?* Boleh tertekan camni...
What ever la... below ade gambar sket. till next time.
our canggih tent.
Green scenery. Sound of serenity.